Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will the LitterBuns Bin work for my bun?

The majority of bunnies are quick to transition to the LitterBuns bin.

However, the LitterBuns Bin is not a one-size-fits-all solution. So what works for one bunny may not work for another. As the bun parent, you know your bun best, so you are the best one to decide if this product is right for you and for your bun.

Always supervise your bun when introducing anything new to their environment so you can see how they interact with the new item. Some bunnies are cautious of new things and resistant to change. Those buns may be hesitant to accept a new litter box design, such as the LitterBuns Bin. However, with that said, there are some tricks that have worked for bun parents when their bunny has been slow to warm up to their new litter bin.

The majority (99%) of bunnies DO come around, and make the transition to the LitterBuns Bin. Some precious buns are just set in their ways and may take longer than others. Many of us can relate to them!

NOTE: LitterBuns cannot guarantee that your bun will accept the change in litter bin style. LitterBuns also cannot guarantee that the LitterBuns Bin will correct the issue you are trying to solve (i.e. litter training).

Please see Refund Policy before purchase.

2. Are the LitterBuns Floor Mats safe for my buns paws?

The LitterBuns Floor Mats are called “floor mats”, and not to be confused with the term “grates” or "grids", which are usually thin wire sifters found in hutches or cages that are not suitable for a litter box or your buns paws.

The floor space on the LitterBuns Floor Mat is thick and sufficient enough that buns little paws are well supported. The surface of floor mats are also smooth and rounded making them comfortable for buns to sit, do their business and even lounge on.

With that said, as the bun parent, you know your rabbit best so you are the best person to answer this question. It is recommended to supervise your bunny when introducing the LitterBuns Bin (or Floor Mats) for the first time, as with any new item/product introduced to their environment. It is up to your discretion as the bun parent to determine whether the LitterBuns products are suitable for your bunny.

If you are worried that your buns paws are too small or delicate, then you are likely correct. This may be something to consider when looking for a litter box for baby bunnies. The floor mats used in the LitterBuns set ups are not recommended for buns younger than 8 weeks of age or adult buns with very small and dainty paws.

The chances of a bun getting their paw stuck in one of the holes of the floor mat is very unlikely, but not impossible. Accidents do happen and can happen to anyone. As the bun parent, it is important to be aware of any risks and make informed decisions about the products you choose to use with your rabbit.

Please see home page and scroll to the text below the featured products for a close up photo of the floor mats and more information on the dimensions of the holes.

 3. Is the LitterBuns Bin suitable for my small bun (dwarf / mini lop / baby bunny)?

There are many dwarf buns (2.5lbs +) that are using a LitterBuns Bin without issue. For smaller buns, they can easily benefit from the LitterBuns Mini. For bonded pairs, a LitterBuns Bin is always recommended, but not necessary for dwarf breeds.

The holes in the floor mats are 1.1cm in width so whether the bin will be suitable depends on the size of their paws. As the bun parent, you know your bun best so you are the best to answer this question. The advice is to supervise your bun when introducing the LitterBuns Bin to see how their first interaction goes. If you think their paws are too tiny for the floor mats, then you are likely correct.

Listen to your bun parent intuition when it comes to making decisions for your rabbit, it is usually correct. In addition, always check with your rabbit savvy vet if you are unsure whether the LitterBuns Bin or Floor Mats are suitable for your bunny.

4. Do the LitterBuns Floor Mats cause sore hocks?

PLEASE NOTE: I am not a veterinarian, and I cannot make any definitive statements regarding sore hocks. Please consult your rabbit savvy veterinarian for any concerns regarding medical questions, including sore hocks.

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Sore hocks are often the result of thin, wire grates found in cages or hutches. However, some buns are more prone than others to sore hocks just from being on hard floors and even some types of carpet and other surfaces.

I cannot speak directly to whether the floor mats will cause your bun sore hocks as each bun is unique. Many buns have fluffy paws and this fur serves as protection while some buns have less fur on their paws for protection. As the bun parent, who knows your bun best, it is up to your discretion as to whether this product will be suitable.

There have been many customers who have purchased a LitterBuns Bin for their bun with existing sore hocks to keep their paws off of the hard and soiled litter which could lead to further irritation and infection. Many of these same customers have seen improvement in their buns sore hocks after using the LitterBuns bin. However, this is case specific and may not apply to all buns or severity level of the sore hocks.

The Floor Mats are originally known as “resting floor mats” and their true purpose is to place them on top of wire bottom cages to give buns a safe and comfy spot to lay. In fact, one "resting floor mat" present in a wire bottom cage meets the standards of care requirements outlined by ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association). LitterBuns has re-purposed these resting mats with modified dimensions and added support posts to safely use in a litterbox.

If your bun does have sore hocks, a vet visit is definitely recommended as a prescription cream may be necessary to treat the issue. Minor sore hocks can often be treated with a natural cream like coconut oil and providing extra padding, such as soft fleece blankets, where your bun tends to rest. It is important to always consult your rabbit savvy vet for any medical advice when it comes to your buns health, including sore hocks.

5. Will the LitterBuns Floor Mats fit my personal litter box?

When bun parents are thinking of ordering the LitterBuns Floor Mats for their personal litter box, I like to provide the following information:

  • Dimensions of one floor mat are 11x15”
  • The approximate bin measurements that seem to be the best fit for a SINGLE floor mat bin are:

18” L x 13” W x 5” H

(45cm x 33cm x 12cm)

  • The approximate bin measurements that seem to be the best fit for a DOUBLE floor mat bin are:

26” L x 16” W x 7” H

(68cm x 41cm x 17cm)

Please NOTE: These are the measurements of the outer perimeter (top rim) of the bin. When measuring your own personal bin to see if the floor mats will work for you, make sure to measure inside the bin where the floor mats will sit at approximately 2.25” from the base.

It is much easier to find a bin that works for a single floor mat than it is to find a bin that will fit 2 floor mats side by side. It’s definitely possible but almost always requires some type of DIY work to the bin and/or to the floor mats to make them work. For this reason, LitterBuns cannot guarantee the fit of the Floor Mats in personal litter boxes.

The LitterBuns bin is custom altered so the floor mats “click” into place. They do not do this in the MINI or if using your own personal litter box, without custom alteration.

6. Will my buns poops fit through the holes in the Floor Mat?

The holes on the LitterBuns Floor Mats are 4.3 - 4.7cm x 1.1cm (L x W). If you are concerned about whether your buns poops will fit through the holes, the best thing to do is measure their poop! If the majority of your buns poops are smaller than 11mm, then most of the poops will fall through.

The LitterBuns Bin was designed for the average size bun and bonded pairs. Small to medium sized buns will have no issues with poops falling through the holes. For larger breeds (up to 14lbs) who use the LitterBuns bin, there will be some poops that do not fit through but still many that do.

For a photo of the Floor Mat holes with measurements, please see home page for more info. Scroll down to the text after the featured products.

7. Do you recommend a bin WITH or WITHOUT an entrance?

Please see home page for a very detailed explanation on this topic. Scroll down to the text after the featured products.

8. Do you recommend a spare set of Floor Mats for the LitterBuns bin?

Most definitely! This is the "Ultimate LitterBuns Package" and will make litter changes a breeze!

Please see home page for a very detailed explanation on this topic. Scroll down to the text / photos after the featured products.

9. What do you put on the bottom of LitterBuns Bin, under the Floor Mats?

Disposable puppy pads are included with your purchase to get you started using your LitterBuns bin right away. However, what you choose to use to line the bottom of your LitterBuns bin is usually a matter of personal preference.

Many bun parents use only a pee pad or some type of liner - washable pee pads (environmentally friendly option), newspaper or paper towel. Many use the above plus a small layer of traditional litter such as wood / paper pellets or bedding of choice.

It really depends how long you want to go in between cleanings that determines what you use for absorbency, as the longer you go the more absorbency you need. It's a bit of trial and error to figure out which option works best for your bun(s) and for you as the bun parent.

There is approximately 2.25-2.5" of space under the floor mats, so there is plenty of room for whatever you choose.

10. What size pee pads fit the LitterBuns Bin and LitterBuns Mini?

LitterBuns Bin

- 17.5" x 23.5" puppy training pads fit the LitterBuns Bin perfectly. This particular size is hard to find in pet stores but can be found when searched on Amazon.

- 23" x 24" puppy training pads are readily available at pet stores and online. Fold one side under to fit the bin, for a close to perfect fit.

LitterBuns MINI

- 13" x 18" small puppy training pads fit under one floor mat perfectly in the LitterBuns MINI or a similar size single floor mat litter box. This size is hard to find in pet stores but can be found when searched on Amazon.

NOTE: Avoid cutting pee pads as the inside beads are not pet safe and tend to spill out when cut. If using another size pee pad, simply fold the pee pad to fit your bin.

11. How do you clean the Floor Mats?

The LitterBuns Floor Mats are easily removed for cleaning. They can be washed using a sponge with a gentle plant based detergent or a water & vinegar solution and then lightly towel dried. If you have the Ultimate LitterBuns set up with a spare set of Floor Mats, they can be left to air dry on a drying rack and you can pop in your clean floor mats and off you go.

The floor mats are 11 x 15” making them ideal to fit in a sink, laundry tub or a bath tub to be cleaned. They are also dishwasher safe and fit nicely inside.

12. How do you clean the LitterBuns Bin?

Depending what you use on the bottom of your bin will determine how you clean it. If you use regular litter (wood / paper pellets or bedding) then you would clean the litter bin the same way you would clean a traditional litter box. If you line the bottom of the bin with a liner of choice (i.e. pee pad or newspaper), clean-up will be much easier as you will just roll up the soiled litter and toss it in the garbage.

The plastic bin itself can be easily wiped clean with a paper towel and a water/vinegar solution which is safe for buns. Keeping a spray bottle, with the above solution, where you change your buns litter will come in handy!

Cleaning tip from a Bunmom:

If you keep a large paper leaf bag where you clean your buns litter, you can easily shake off the pee pad and all of its contents (hay and poops) into the leaf bag and you have a perfect mix to add to your compost when it's full!

13. Does urine collect on the Floor Mats?

Sometimes not all of the bunny pee makes it through the holes of the floor mat. Simply absorb this with a paper towel (if in between cleanings) and toss into the trash.

To ensure the floor mats are safe and comfy, the “floor” space needs to be sufficient enough for buns precious paws, which also means more space for the pee to remain. With that said, when your bun aims right, ALL of the bunny pee will make it through the holes!

14. I have a Flemish Giant, is the LitterBuns Bin big enough?

The LitterBuns Bin was designed for bonded pairs, so it is also ideal for a single large breed bun. LitterBuns does recommend 1 bin per large breed bun, but there are also many bonded large buns weighing 10lbs each happily taking turns with one bin.

Since buns spend so much time in their litter, it is recommended that there is sufficient space for them to turn around in and even flop in, as many buns like to do!

The weight of the bun is well supported by the floor mats, but the size of the poop may be the better question. If your buns poop is smaller that 11mm, than the LitterBuns Bin should work great!

For photos of some larger buns enjoying their LitterBuns, please see our Bunstomers

15. I have a bonded pair / trio, which litter bin do you recommend?

The LitterBuns bin was designed specifically for bonded pairs. There are many bonded pairs (5-10lbs each bun) happily sharing a LitterBuns bin. There has also been success with bonded trios happily sharing a LitterBuns bin, but these buns are generally on the smaller side and still tend to alternate with only 2 buns in the bin at a time.

The size of your bonded buns will determine if one LitterBuns bin is appropriate or adding a second bin is a good idea. You can always start with one and go from there. Many people return to order a second bin after they have experienced the benefits of one!

16. Where do you put the hay?

To prevent a lot of hay wastage, a LitterBuns Hay Bin is recommended. Hay should always be within reach for you bun, so placing a Hay Bin directly above the LitterBuns bin so the holes are at eye level is recommended. Hay can also be placed directly in the bin, on either side, still leaving room for your bun to have room to potty.

17. How do you hang the LitterBuns Hay Bins?

The LitterBuns Hay Bins can be attached to any expen or similar style pen set up. Zipties are included and there are holes on the back of your Hay Bin that will allow you to use the zip ties vertically or horizontally to fit the set up you have.

If your bun is free roam and you do not use an expen, the use of command hooks or screws to hang the Hay Bin are also good options which have been successful for many bun parents.

18. How often should I clean my LitterBuns Hay Bin?

It is recommended to empty / clean the hay bin on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. Removing the hay bin from its set up is not necessary as it can be cleaned while still attached to the expen.

Cleaning refers to emptying all of the hay contents, removing the hay dust and small bits that collect in the bottom, giving the inside a good wipe down and refilling with fresh hay. If washing is required, please ensure the inside of the hay bin is dry before re-filling with fresh hay.

If you have a bun that likes to jump in the Hay Bin or burrow through the front holes, you will likely need to do a more thorough clean on a regular basis, as chances are they are leaving precious pellets behind.

Please use your discretion as a bun parent to determine when and how often a thorough cleaning of the Hay Bin is needed.

Helpful Bunmom Tip: For a quick clean of the hay bin, you can easily lift up the hay and use your hands to "scoop" any dust and small bits of hay through the feeder holes into the soiled litter box just prior to cleaning it.

19. What size holes in the LitterBuns Hay Bin are the right size for my bunny?

The size of your bun and their personality should determine the size of the holes chosen for the LitterBuns Hay Bin. A small bun would do well with the 3” diameter holes but a large bun would likely do better with the larger 4” holes. Based on your buns personality, you may be able to predict whether your small bun will try to jump in the large holes OR if your large bun would get frustrated with the smaller holes.

NOTE: Always supervise your bun when testing out a new hay feeder or any new product to determine their behavior and whether the LitterBuns Hay Bin is the right fit for your bun.

20. Does the Hay Bin come with a lid?

The LitterBuns Hay Bin does not come with a lid. The Hay Bins have an open top to easily refill the hay. However, this also means that some adventurous buns may decide to jump in the Hay Bin through the top!

The Hay Bin is 15" tall and sits just above the litter box, making the opening quite a high jump. For this reason, this issue is more common with larger buns.

You will want to deter your bunny from jumping into their Hay Bin because if they are sitting on hay and munching away, chances are they are using it as a bathroom as well as an all-you-can-eat hay buffet! If this does occur, there are a couple quick 'tried and true' solutions that will prevent this from continuing:

1. Cover the Hay Bin with a piece of cardboard to deter your bun from jumping in. You can even secure the cardboard with the use of a zip tie using one of the holes on the back of the hay feeder.

2. Use a c&c grid panel on an angle to block the top opening from your bun. They will quickly get the hint that the Hay Bin is off limits.

3. Use a plastic basket from the dollar store (meant for letter size paper) to place upside down over the Hay Bin. This is a preferred bunmom hack!

4. Keep your Hay Bin packed full of hay so that there is no room for your mischievous bunny to get in, either from the top or through the holes of the Hay Bin.

21. Can I place a custom order?

Custom orders are welcomed. Please reach out directly via email, DM on Facebook messenger or Instagram to connect regarding a custom request.

We are very aware that all buns are unique and many require custom accommodations for their environment and surroundings. Sometimes a bunny requires more than the regular “entrance” option that we offer and we are very happy to discuss what may work better for your bun. If the custom request is possible, we will do our best to fulfill the
accommodations for an additional fee, as these custom requests usually involve
additional work on the Floor Mats and/or bin.

Senior buns with arthritis and special needs bunnies (i.e. tripods) are two of the more common reasons for requesting a custom order. Some examples of custom accommodation requests we have fulfilled are:

  • Custom “extra-low and extra-wide” entrances
  • Custom lowered or raised floor mat height
  • Custom entrance on the short side of the bin rather than on the long side
  • Custom entrance for the LitterBuns MINI bin
  • Custom high sided bin (for large buns or buns that lift their tails over the side of the bin to pee, often called high pee’ers)

If there is something you are thinking of that is not on the above list, please do not hesitate to reach out. We greatly enjoy working with you and will do our best to provide an accessible litter box option for your precious bun.

22. I have the original LitterBuns Bin, can I order a set of Floor Mats to fit this bin?

If you ordered your LitterBuns Bin prior to August 2023, you have the original LitterBuns bin. To order a set of Floor Mats for your original LitterBuns bin, please contact LitterBuns directly to place an order.

For a quick reply, please contact us via:



Send a direct message (DM) on Facebook or Instagram, @litterbuns

23. Why are shipping costs so high for the LitterBuns Bin?

The size of the package determines the shipping cost and because the contents of your order cannot be reduced in size, there is no way around shipping costs. Considering the size of the package needed for the LitterBuns Bin, you will be pleasantly surprised that shipping cost is actually quite reasonable.

However, when compared to other big box companies with their own shipping capabilities, a small business just can't compete. Then there are other companies who work shipping costs into their prices and offer "free shipping". You are still paying for shipping as the price is adjusted to account for that cost.

LitterBuns uses a shipping courier that offers discounted rates to ensure the best possible rates for the customer. Shipping rates are not worked into the cost of the products in any way, so shipping cost is reflective of the current shipping rates.

24. I live in (insert country), do you offer shipping to my location?

Through this website, LitterBuns ships to Canada (not including NWT, Nunavut and Yukon), United States (not including Hawaii, Alaska and outlying US islands) and the UK, only. If you are outside of Canada, US or the UK, please contact LitterBuns directly via email or DM on Facebook or Instagram, and we will happily assist with an order.

The majority of our orders are to the US and within Canada, but LitterBuns has shipped many times to Hawaii, Australia and parts of Europe. We will happily take your order and provide shipping info through the above-mentioned channels. Please do not hesitate to reach out!

For a quick reply, please contact us via:



Send a direct message (DM) on Facebook or Instagram, @litterbuns.

25. Do you offer a return policy?

LitterBuns product are Final Sale. Please see our return policy for a detailed explanation regarding this.

26. Not the answer you are looking for?

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any additional questions. We are happy to ensure you have all the information you need to confidently place an order for your precious bun(s)!

For a quick reply, please contact us via:

  • Email:


  • Direct message (DM) on Facebook or Instagram: @litterbuns