Our Story

Never in a million years did I think we would be a bunny family, let alone be making litter set ups for bunnies. I didn’t know the slightest thing about rabbits and it didn’t cross my mind that they could be such a wonderful addition to our family. That all changed one night when I crossed paths with this little floof ball while out on a walk with my dog. This little bun, now known as Peter, was loafed in a pile of leaves on the side of the road. When he didn’t run as I approached, I thought something was off. When I got a better look at him, I knew he wasn’t a wild rabbit, but was someone’s beloved pet. Or at least, so I thought. I was not aware of the term “dumped bun” so I assumed someone was missing their adorable little pet bunny. My dog wasn’t the best partner in catching a prey animal so little Peter got spooked and ran off. I took my dog home and went back with veggies to try and entice him. I wasn’t successful that evening so I went back the next morning with more veggies and a dog crate. And yes, I tried to catch the little guy with carrots thinking that's what bunnies ate! After help from a couple of the neighbours, I managed to secure little Peter. I posted him on all the local “lost pet” groups I could find, thinking surely someone was upset over their lost bunny. That was when I learned about the sad reality faced by many buns.

And so my journey began. I made a promise to little Peter that he would never be treated in that way again and he would only know love from then on. I went to the pet store to buy all the “essentials” – a cage and a corner litter bin! Yes, you read that right! These items were sold to me by “knowledgeable staff” at a very well known pet store. It didn’t take me long to realize that a cage and a bunny didn’t make sense. Before long, I had caged all the items in my house I didn’t want Peter to access and he was living the good life. The corner litter didn’t last long either because I had to clean it 10x per day. Anyone that knows me, knows I am a little over the top when it comes to cleaning, so no bunny of mine was going to sit in their own poop. I soon had a collection of litter boxes in my basement that I didn’t love, but I had settled with one I found on Amazon which worked okay for my single bun.

And then along came Lily...

Also with her small corner litter and the "litter box struggle" began again. Lily was re-homed to us through a friend of a friend. This family heard Peter was living the good life and Lily apparently needed a taste of it. She came from a loving family who wanted the best for her but they didn’t have the time to give that to her. They loved her enough to let her go and so we welcomed Lily into our home. The litter boxes I was using at the time were okay for Peter and Lily as single buns, but I knew I needed a solution for when they were finally bonded.

Nothing I found was what I pictured in my head, so I decided to make my own litter box for my soon-to-be bonded pair. I ordered a lot of different materials to test out some options and with the help of my handy hubby, we came up with what we later named, LitterBuns®

Of course, this was our solution for our own buns and it has evolved greatly since that first model. The bottom line was, it changed my life as a bun parent and I knew I could never go back to a traditional litter box! Peter and Lily have been happily sharing a LitterBuns bin ever since! 

I knew that I needed to share it and I am so glad I did! With the help of my very own product testers and a few early customers, the LitterBuns bin has evolved into what it is today. To hear other buns and bun parents are experiencing the same benefits that I did makes it all worthwhile! The goal was to improve our buns litter set up, but in doing so, we are improving the life of all the buns that join the LitterBuns family!

We would like to sincerely thank all the bun parents that have put their faith in LitterBuns® to help solve their "litter box struggle".